Wednesday, 9 March 2011

My first blog post after 17 months of blogospherical silence

It's March 2011 and it seems hard to believe that my last entry was October 2009. How was it that I didn't make a single entry for the entire of 2010? Maybe I lost my vanity for a whole year. After all, that is the reason for blogs, right? The idea that I have something to say that is worth posting publicly. Otherwise we'd just keep private, offline diaries.

Well, this winter I started writing in a diary again. A real one - pen and paper. I haven't written a diary since I was about 15. It used to be about celebrity crushes, how bored I am in school, and arguments with friends. Some parts are also written in secret codes that I don't understand anymore, and I don't think I left myself a key. Now my diary has mainly been about driving lessons, how bored I am in lectures, arguments with my boyfriend, and my general worries and ambitions.

I'm still studying Philosophy. I'm still wondering why I'm studying Philosophy. I enjoy searching for meaning in life but I'm not sure if I truly enjoy reading dense academic texts. They're not written to be entertaining and while thought-provoking, they're not always inspiring. I'm scared of reading phenomenology texts or continental philosophy because it seems difficult to penetrate.

I don't know what I want to do with my future. I don't know what is even available to me. I guess I will end up working for "The Man", in some corporation or other institution.

At this precise moment in time my thought on life is this:

I feel as if I am detached from the entire universe, and it is a vast jigsaw puzzle with a seemingly infinite number of pieces. Some of the pieces are in places, in patches here and there, so it seems that there is a little bit of order.

But overall it is all so huge and there are a mind-boggling number of pieces. At the same time though, it feels like the jigsaw puzzle is at least theoretically possible to solve - all the pieces are there, but they are scrambled beyond belief.

Here I am trying to figure out what the big picture would turn out to be - and how do all the pieces fit together to form a real, meaningful image? How do I fit into it, how does everyone else fit into it: stars and planets, cups and tables, Barack Obama and my next-door neighbour, McDonalds and crisp packets, daffodils and ants?

But this is just my thought on life this evening. Tomorrow it will be something different. I have decided to write in this blog again so there will be an online record of a few of the thoughts that originate in my strange little head.