Friday, 30 January 2009

It's a long and personal entry today...

I used to be happy with the person I am. Especially over the last year or so, I became more and more confident. When I was staying in Alaska, I met so many new people in all sorts of situations, I made so many friends, in so many situations.

There was one girl named Randi who worked in the visitor centre in Palmer. I stopped in there for a while one day while I had explored the entire town (Palmer and Wasilla being the biggest "cities" in the area, even then they only had populations of around three or four thousand people.) I was waiting for my aunt to finish work nearby, so I hung out looking at the tiny museum they had in the visitor centre, spending as much time as possible so I wouldn't have to go outside and wait in the cold.

Anyway, after she asked how I was and noticed my English accent, me and Randi got talking, for about an hour at least (it wasn't very busy in the visitor centre that day) and we swapped numbers. She was the same age as me, and she was starting Uni in the autumn too, she was going all the way to Boston to study music, she was already in an awesome jazz band. We were going to go to a local festival together but in the end she couldn't make it and my aunt and uncle had planned something else that weekend - a party and cookout up at their cabin with a few of their friends.

In fact, I wrote about that party on this same blog back in July 2008 when I was there:

"On Saturday, Fran and Jack threw a party up at their cabin – loads of people were invited but not many turned up; Fran was a bit slow in confirming the date and giving directions, and a lot of people were going off to some event out of town."

One woman my aunt knew bought her daughter, Claire, who was about the same age as me, so we had some fun and went out to canoe on their lake. She had to leave early though, to go to a rave in Anchorage - which she did invite me to but I knew my aunt wouldn't have let me. (Even though I was already 18, she was quite protective because I was not her daughter and she felt responsible for me.) I did see Claire a few other times, she was awesome and I need to get back in touch with her.

I was getting kind of bored when two guys who were about 19 showed up, expecting a massive party with loads of young people, but there were only a few of us and no-one else at the party even knew them (it turned out a woman my aunt invited couldn't make it but thought it would be a big party so sent her son and his friend anyway). It was my lucky day, cause being the only one there under 30, I was getting kind of bored. And because of both that, and the fact I was by default an interesting person - simply by being a cute English girl - these guys were practically kissing my feet and I got them both to roast me lots of marshmallows, make me lots of smores, and row me round the entire lake twice. One of them ended up calling me back a few days later and for one week I got a lot of free visits to funfairs, restaurants and cinemas out of that guy, as well as totally pissing my aunt off by going back to his place and not quite coming back home in time for her curfew.

Another day I went into Anchorage to go shopping and hang out with two girls I'd never met before, which came about because one of them was thinking of going to university in England and her mum knew my aunt, so they arranged a meeting for us. All of these people got my number (I had a temporary "cell phone" my aunt gave me for me to use out there, so I've lost contact with them all now) and I saw most of them again.

When I worked at the field school in Canada I was thrown into close living conditions with about 8 other students (they'd all graduated from different U.S. universities, all about 3 or 4 years older than me), at camp you have to get up at 6am, work, cook, eat, get muddy and play together until about 2am, with no breaks for solitude and you make friends very quickly. The whole experience was cold, muddy, and awesome fun. By the end of the week, none of us were sleeping cold or alone in our tents, everyone at camp seemed to pair off with someone of the opposite sex. It was often unclear whether the noise coming from outside your tent was a moose, or just another couple "keeping warm"...

(My aunt was extremely annoyed to find my little tent empty when she came to pick me up at the end of the week and things were tense for nearly our whole road trip, which turned out to be less fun than it could have been - because I also caught glandular fever along with everyone else at the camp. Which was a) because everyone was sleeping with eachother and b) because we all ate out of the same pot, never had enough water to wash our hands, and shared muddy utensils which never got washed up with warm water.)

It's ridiculous how many friends I made in two months, in a totally alien place where I knew no-one. I didn't look super cool, I wore scruffy clothes to keep warm most of the time, but over there people didn't judge you on your clothes, your taste in music, or anything else (apart from your political views, which you should definitely keep shut about in the States).

I came home from Alaska more confident and friendly than ever. I couldn't wait to meet new people, I wanted to smile and say hi to people I saw at shops and bus stops, I wanted to chat and make friends with everyone. I had great exam results and I couldn't wait to come to uni.

I've been here for about 4 months now, I've met hundreds of people and had so many new experiences. But I still haven't made any close friends. I didn't even realise this for a while. I was swept up in the tumultuous wave of socialising and events, surrounded by plenty of people to go to go out with to house parties and nights out. Now I don't want to do that, and I don't have enough money to, I just want someone to chill out with and chat to about anything and everything in my room. I am a crazy, weird and lively person, I always have been, and my friends were about the same, I could say and do any random thing I had an impulse to do, and we'd all laugh together.

I used to be happy with the person I am.

In a way, I still love me. I step outside of myself and look at myself as though I were someone else. I see an awesome person that is a lot of fun to be with. I see someone small but cute and playful with a weird sense of humour, the kind of person I just want to hug and have good times with. If I could meet myself, we'd get on great and we'd be best friends. The fact I think about that quite often just proves what a mental case I am.

The trouble is, I don't want to change. I like being myself. I don't want to put on an act. When I think of something interesting or fun, I want to say it, or do it. If I'm on a beach listening to music through my headphones, or if I hear a funky band playing in town, and I feel like getting up and dancing, I want to do it. Why should I have to care what other people think? I bet plenty of people feel like dancing in public sometimes, the difference between them and me is that they will stop themselves, and I won't.

It's such a short life, why should I refrain from doing things I want to do just because other people might think it's silly or weird. Why should I let others kill my personal fun and happiness just because they are scared to enjoy life themselves, for fear of what other people will think of them? Because of this outlook on life, I am now struggling with myself. I'm not having fun anymore, because people don't have fun with me. It's not fun being this person when no-one else seems to understand.

I've lost my self-esteem. I've lost my friendliness. I'm not the lively person I used to be. I'm an unwatered, neglected plant, starving for attention and encouragement. I'm the dying embers at the bottom of a fire whose warmth is no longer appreciated. Am I doing something wrong? At first I thought I might not be looking hard enough, but now feel like I might be damaging things further by thinking too deeply about frienship. Do I need to change who I am?

I feel like I'm being slightly selfish by writing this, because it's not true that I have no-one here. There is a very lovely person next door to me who I appreciate and care about very much. But I sometimes worry that because of the person I am, even they would be happier without me.

It's been a long post today and I don't expect anyone to read all this. But just by writing some of these things down instead of being caught in an endless loop of inner self-reflection, I feel calmer and my eyes are now dry.

Thursday, 22 January 2009


I have got to say that Sussex university is home to the most stereotypical studentyness you can imagine... This week is a perfect example... Gaza protesters...

Basically a group of protesters have set up an "occupation" - in other words, they've completely commandeered one of the two most major lecture theatres on campus. They're camping there permanently for a week, even through the night, I think. Even when lectures are on they hang around at the back of the hall - with a policy of not disrupting classes (there was a lecture starting when I took these pictures which is why there are fewer protesters) - although I have heard it has been a disruption.

My initial reaction was "cool, good luck with that", I read their "demands" and they seemd fair. They want Sussex to release an official statement agains the attacks, they want Sussex to boycott any Israeli products sold on campus stores, they want to give free scholarships to some students from Gaza University (which was hit during the bombing), etc. etc.

I had to have a nose in at the occupation in Arts A... Now I'm pretty warm on the hippy thermometer, but even I couldn't help but laugh. Think of an utterly stereotypical protesting hippy student, and you will be picturing the sight in the lecture theatre. Dreadlocked, baggy-clothed promoters of peace, acoustic guitars being tinkered with, the lot. Unfortunately I didnt have my camera handy until things had got a bit quieter.

Interestingly, a lot of students in my lectures were not sympathetic with them. They see the occupiers as self-righteous, annoying, and pointless. Lots of people were saying "what can the uni do?" and "I dont mind them protesting but its getting in the way of our classes".

I kind of disagreed with the skeptics at first, but now I'm thinking about it, I'm not sure if uni is the right place to carry this out. True, a couple of other UK universities did cave in to the protesters early on and meet their "demands", and I don't think that's bad. But is it really wrong for us to allow the university a little political neutrality? I'm not sure if it's appropriate for a university to take sides when general peace is the overriding aim.

The guardian have featured an article on universities' efforts here (mainly about King's College, but mentioning Sussex).

I'm not unsympathetic to their vision, as it were, I'm just undecided on whether I agree with all their demands, or with their take-over of the building.

P.S. I counted 10 "as it were"s in todays Philosophy lecture with our new, mad philosophy lecturer. He looks like a cross between a 17th century philosopher and an 80s doctor who. If Philosophy were to be embodied into a living and breathing being, he would be it. Anyway, it must be catching cause as you can see, I just unintentionally said "as it were" in my own blog. Ugh.

Tuesday, 20 January 2009


I've been meaning to take my camera everywhere I go, because although I'm not a great photographer whenever I don't have it, I always see oddly funny or interesting things I'd love to have photographed.

I've also been meaning to post on my blog more.

So, here goes my new project - try take at least one photo every day and post it on here regularly. Obviously this is inspired by the guy who took a polaroid every day of his life for years and years and they were recently discovered and put online. Although, that was actually a sad story, because in the pictures you see him get slowly more ill and then he dies of cancer just after you see a picture of him getting married.

Anyways, unlike that guy, my project is probably doomed to fail. I don't say this for any specific reason, it's just probability - most of the projects and hobbies I start end up being abandoned in the end because I suffer from horrible lack of motivation and enthusiasm (although if you completely reversed the meaning of that sentence, you'd be reading my CV - it's all lies! Hmm, I hope no prospective employers read this.).

But oh well, at least its something to aim towards, something which will get me writing and taking more photos, which means I'll be doing SOMETHING creative with my time.

I have spent nearly all day in my room. So here is today's.

(note: I didn't say the pictures would all be interesting or exciting :P)

Thursday, 15 January 2009


It's the new year and I was all positive. Yes, that's the past tense right there.

On the plus side I'm probably going to do much better academically this term, and I'm enjoying class more. I'm in the right field now and I should be okay in that sphere of life.

Everything seemed to be going great, until I realised I'm slowly sliding into the "meh" zone of mind again. And I know why. It's because I am social fuck-up.

Everyone else seems to have formed great big happy families, holding hands as they skip into their beautiful sunset of second-year accommodation, their only trouble being which glorius student townhouse they pick and its proximity to the pub and the university.


All I have is myself. Maybe I should just rent a shitty single bedsit and rot away alone. Can you taste the bitterness in the single tear running down my face? Good.

Okay, that did sound pretty emo. I'm feeling crap and I'll probably regret posting this blog later, but who cares, no-one reads it anyway... Okay, fair enough, that's taking the emo thing too far now. *Ahem*.

Wow, someone actually came over to give me a hug. Faith in humanity slightly restored. Going to bake cookies.
